Brand Management


Cover challenges

Our route-to-market services cover the challenges of placing your FMCG brand in new sales channels or territories.


Define Brand

How to define your brand’s best possible route-to-market for new geographies is a service provided by Al Nia General Trading LLC.


Brand Evaluation

We do an evaluation of your current product portfolio performance and overlay this on new markets. We can predict the position your brand should occupy together with an outlook for the future by analyzing trends across comparative markets.


Market Experience

We have created a significant database to be able to calculate what market shares any new product should be able to achieve, Al Nia General Trading LLC senior partners‘ experience can identify what challenges are likely to be presented by competitor’s brands trying to defend their market share. We normally are asked to create a business plan to assess risk and reward for financing a new market entry.

Is your FMCG marketing not working? Do you want to build your brand into a stronger position?

Successful retailing requires a relevant and attention grabbing marketing programme.

Effective Communication

Creating an effective communication to the target customers is not as easy as large successful FMCG brands make it look.

Building Stratergy

Having performed projects for retailers coming from various branches, geographies and market conditions, we have a good feel for what makes a successful marketing and brand building strategy.

Create Programs

We have recruited partners with proven FMCG experience from top FMCG companies, this has been useful when creating programs for retailers. This, of course, means we are in a position to support FMCG brand owners as well. With so much consolidation having taken place in the last 20 years in modern saturated retail markets.

Extended Support

Al Nia General Trading LLC is particularly experienced at creating or supporting strategies designed to get your products listed for particular large retailers. This can be very important, as it can be a real problem to miss out on a 20% plus portion of a large market, because your brand is not on the shelves of a specific retailer, or maybe the retailer’s private label is performing the role your brand used to.

FMCG Private Label Development

Successful retailing requires a relevant and attention grabbing marketing programme.


Caused by the growth of the discounting in recent years throughout the world, manufacturers often face a dilemma of either developing the manufacturer’s brand or producing a private label product to be successful for a specific retailer.



The principle point generally is: if your product is relatively easy to copy, then expect a significant number of private label alternatives to be available for a retailer to choose from. Even if the product itself is easy to copy, then your cost of sourcing and/or production becomes the critical point! Due to our substantial retail knowledge and some of our partners coming from a food production background, we can support manufacturers in this key area of designing a way towards success.



If your product or product quality is difficult to copy, then generally it is wise to stay away from private label Short-term rewards can sometimes look attractive, but we have the experience that thinking through a long-term perspective can be the right thing to do. FRC is strong in being heard in boardrooms, pointing out the advantages and risks of either staying firmly as a brand, or entering the world of private label manufacturing. We also can tell the story from the end consumer’s perspective and help manufacturers understand better the retailer and customers’ needs.